ACI Partners was invited to be the exclusive country contributor to the CEE Legal Matters Comparative Legal Guide
ACI Partners was invited to be the exclusive country contributor to the CEE Legal Matters Comparative Legal Guide: Competition 2021 for Moldova.
The guide presents an overview of CEE’s competition regimes. It includes an outline of the main competition pieces of legislation, any notable recent updates, the main concerns of the competition authority as well as its sanctioning record, how a leniency policy is applied and how unilateral conduct is treated in each country, an overview of relevant recent abuse cases, if and how State Aid can be obtained, as well as any major changes brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic in the field – and more!
“It was an absolute delight to work together with the ACI Partners professionals on the Moldova chapter for this report,” commented CEE Legal Matters Managing Editor Radu Cotarcea. “Aside from their quick turn-around time and thoroughness, our collaboration felt smooth in particular due to their responsiveness – which, with a project such as this, is absolutely critical. I very much look forward to working together again.”
The full guide is available here in electronic format and here in pdf format.
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