Moratorium on State Controls Enacted
La data de 1 aprilie 2016 a intrat în vigoare Legea Republicii Moldova privind moratoriul asupra controlului de stat, Nr. 18 din 04 martie 2016, care stabilește instituirea moratoriului, pentru o perioadă de 3 luni, asupra controlului de stat, inclusiv fiscal, financiar, privind calitatea produselor/serviciilor, parametrii tehnologici şi/sau cerinţele specifice pentru genul de activitate desfășurat, privind respectarea normelor de protecţie a muncii și sanitare. Mai multe detalii vor fi publicate in editia de astăzi a Legal Flash-ului.
Starting from 1 April 2016 the moratorium on state controls was instituted. The moratorium was enacted by the Law of the Republic of Moldova on the Moratorium on State Controls, No 18 dated 4 March 2016. Moratorium is set for a period of 3 months and refers to state controls, including fiscal, financial, on the quality of products /services, technological parameters and / or specific requirements for the type of performed activity, on compliance to labor protection rules and health. For additional details stay tuned for our today issue of ACI Legal Flash.
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