Rockit Digital Regional Communication Summit
Chisinau, Moldova, 15 February 2016 – ACI Partners News.
ACI Partners Founding Partner, Andrei Caciurenco, LL.M, spoke at Rockit Regional Digital Communication Summit held in Chisinau on 5-6 February 2016.
What is Rockit Summit?
Rockit Regional Digital Communication Summit – the main digital communications conference for Eastern Europe. 600 attendees, 24 speakers and 50 international guests from 22 countries discussed and debated current industry trends, best practices and latest strategies in digital communication, innovation and entrepreneurship. The 2016 Summit was organized by Granat and the Digital Communication Network from the US.
Rockit Regional Digital Summit is the first and the biggest regional digital and entrepreneurship conference organised for those who achieve their business and career goals using the Internet. The Agenda of the 2016 Summit was made of two days.
Day 1 of the conference focused on digital communication, social media and open data. Valuable speakers from the US, Singapore, Ukraine and Czech Republic shared their knowledge on audience engagement, crisis communication, digital transformation of the newsrooms, new media etc. The day culminated with Rockit Awards – the first event of this kind in Moldova where the top leaders in various categories were recognized.
Day 2 of the conference dealt with startups and entrepreneurship. Some of the best startupers from the UK, France, The Netherlands, USA, Romania and Moldova talked about growing businesses, media startups, rising capital etc. The day continued with Startup Competition with investors who were present and eager to fund the right ideas and people.
In a Startup section Andrei Caciurenco gave a presentation “Headquarter in Moldova?! Law Hacks regarding Startups in Evolving Legal Environment”. The presentation covered 5 top questions from our clients engaged in digital communication services:
(1) How do I set up a company?
(2) What are the specific issues the employer should be aware of?
(3) Why should digital services companies care of data protection rules?
(4) Are there any tax incentives for IT business in Moldova?
(5) How do I protect my intellectual property?
The speaker also gave the reasons of why Moldova is attractive for doing business in general. You can download the presentation here and ask Andrei any specific questions that you may have about startups, setting a company and other aspects of doing business in Moldova.
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