Prior to making any investments, one has to decide on the strategy, weigh the benefits against the potential risks, determine investment vehicles and take care of all other issues that might impact the project’s success.
We steer and guide our clients through the complexity of investment process, starting with feasibility and due diligence studies and going all the way down to the practical implementation of the project. Clients are advised on all issues that bear on the positive outcome of their investment goals, including, inter alia, optimal investment structures, threats and opportunities, and risk mitigation.
Our lawyers have been involved in significant foreign investment projects and have advised many of the country’s major foreign investors.
Services provided to investors include:
- Setting up legal and economic presence
- Structuring investment vehicles
- Incentives and tax benefits advice
- Acquisition of commercial interests, assets and property
- Acquiring businesses
- Agreements negotiation
- Tax implications of investments
- Investor’s rights protection
- Public procurement and concessions
- Employment and immigration law
- Compliance and regulatory issues